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- Lucas Chesterton
She whispered Page 2
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Page 2
‘I wouldn’t mind some place in the area of Frank and Alice,’ David admitted,
‘Hoping for some help?’ Sally inquired,
‘Lots of reasons, one I know and trust them, just in case something comes up, besides they have a boy would be nice to have someone around Holly’s age for her to hang out with, not past the age of ten of course,’ David added.
‘Good to hear, I’ll get a carriage set up do you have a plan?’ Sally raised his hand to him.
‘I always have a plan,’ David said, ‘I hit the bank, get a hotel, find a house move in, and raise my daughter,’ he clapped his hands together summing everything up.
‘Short, simple, and to the point, I can see it working, need any help?’ Sally offered.
‘No, I want to do this on my own I need, to keep my mind on recent developments,’ David admitted.
‘I can see that, but make sure you take time to mourn if you want I can set up the funeral at least until you have a more permanent residency,’ Sally offered, David frowned,
‘Are you sure won’t you have other things to worry about?’ David resisted, as he looked at the older man.
‘David, you and Lilly sacrificed a lot to help combat the growing Darkness of Lord Voldemort, It is in every sense of the word the least I can do for Lily let alone the both of you,’ The aged wizard insisted.
‘Well, I’ll write up an notice so you can start that,’ he paused, ‘Process, I can we walk please?’ David felt like a child at the moment as he inhaled to fend off the flood of emotions that had been slowly building.
‘Of course,’ Sally agreed, as David walked forward, Holly rushed before the pair glancing at everything and the pictures, David smiled at the wide-eyed wonder as one of the pictures waved at her. She waved back as David kept an eye on her as he passed before she rushed forward to keep ahead of them.
‘So full of energy,’ Sally said fondly. ‘I always love seeing those new to these halls take in the sights, it’s a nice reminder how amazing these halls are,’ He chuckled looking over at David.
David glanced around as if seeing the halls for the first time himself. ‘I remember it happened around the second year when the amazing becomes mundane where do you go from there?’
‘You hex your school mates if I recall correctly,’ Sally ruefully pointed out.
‘Not my best moment,’ David admitted, ‘You know, Sally I was hoping to try and Burry the hatched with Snape, Lilly wanted to name him godfather for our second child.’ He admitted, Sally turned to look at David but he didn’t notice the expression hidden under the beard. ‘She was Pregnant with a second child, she wasn’t showing yet but, she talked me into it, a hollow gesture now,’ David sighed,
‘That’s sad to hear,’ Sally admitted, not having much more to say the two walked on in silence when suddenly there was a gasp that caused David to whip around.
‘Hellow!’ Holly waved as David sagged in relief seeing McGonagall walking in.
‘Hello,’ Professor McGonagall greeted fondly as she noticed David and Sally.
‘David,’ she crossed the distance as she wrapped him up in a hug. ‘My condolences,’ she said releasing the hug as she pulled back as David gave her a very weak smile,
‘Appreciate it,’ David thanked as he reached down and picked up Holly to keep her from wondering off.
‘Dreadful business,’ She shook her head. ‘If there is anything I can do to help,’ she offered when suddenly David mirror started talking to him.
‘David!’ cried the mirror as David struggled to pull the mirror out of his coat. Sirius showed up.
‘David I found Peter,’ He stated as David frowned,
‘Sirius I told you to drop it,’ David hissed at him, ‘If he see’s you coming he’s likely to flip.’
‘I would pay good money to see that,’ Sirius responded, ‘I am going to take care of this David, he betrayed Holly, Lilly, and you, the only way Lord Voldermort could have found out is if the information was given willingly.
‘Sirius the war is over, you take Peter in for questioning,’ McGonagall. Shouted over David’ shoulder.
‘Miverna?’ Sirius exclaimed,
‘That’s Professor, and if you so much as harm a hair on Peter’s head,’ She snapped at him, ‘I’ll put you in detention, again,’ she threatened as Sirius’ neck snapped back, as he looked at David in confusion.
‘You can’t do that,’ Sirius sounded unsure as he eyed her.
‘I wouldn’t chance it,’ Sally said placing a hand on Sirius’ shoulder.
‘How?’ Sirius questioned as He watched Sally walked behind him and headed into the alley.
‘Albus?’ Peter squeaked out in fear as he flinched back at the sight of the man.
‘Peter,’ Sally acknowledged, ‘I come to talk Peter, I don’t know if you know but David is alive and he wants to talk to you.’
‘David?’ his eyes went wide, as Sirius walked into the Ally next holding the mirror with David able to see and hear everything. Sirius, he wants to kill me,’ He pleaded.
‘Not on my watch,’ Sally calmed, when he raised his hands showing they were empty. ‘What happened Peter?’ he coaxed.
‘He sold them out, that’s what he did!’ Sirius accused rushing forward but Sally raised his arm Sirius stopped but he glared at the man he once called a friend.
‘I couldn’t, you don’t understand, we were losing Sirius, Sally he threatened to kill me, I had no choice,’
‘You could have died! Like any of us would have done for you!’ Sirius barked,
‘I am not brave like you,’ Peter cried out his hand rising to protect his face as if black was much closer than he actually was.
‘Sirius, don’t move any closer to him,’ Sally whispered out of the side of his mouth so silently even David only just coat don’t and closer.
‘Wh-,’ Sirius cut off as his blood ran cold from the look the headmaster had leveled at him.
‘Ne,’ Peter whined out as Sally twitched a finger and suddenly everything around Peter suddenly leaped away from him causing Peter to jump as he sent out a spell hitting a gas pipe and blowing up the area Sally raised up his wand containing the blast, as Sirius moved to step forward but hesitated, as he glanced at Sally.
The smoke was cleared, as Sirius stepped forward, trying to find him, ‘Did he apparate?’ Sirius question, he inspected the stone and dust as Sally tapped his crooked nose with his wand.
‘No I don’t think so, there is a chance he incinerated himself but I doubt it,’ Sally admitted, He took out his wand and quickly started altering memories, as he looked over at Sirius than at the Mirror. ‘Sorry about intervening but,’ He glanced at Sirius who seemed torn between attacking the older man or thanking him.
‘You did your best,’ David admitted neutrally, ‘All the same I wouldn’t mind getting my living situation straightened out, Sirius I am going to take your bike to a hotel near the Longbottom’s can you met me there,’
‘Sure,’ Sirius admitted giving the mirror a confused look.
‘Don’t do anything foolish,’ Sally cautioned eying the young Black and then the mirror.
‘Come on, it’s me and David,’ Sirius said with a wink and with that he was gone.
David frowned as he tossed his trunk onto the motel floor. Holly rushed forward bounding with all the youthful energy that David wondered where it all came from. This was an inhumanly temporary situation, it wouldn’t do for Holly and him to stay here too long especially with the winter on the horizon.
He sat down on the bed and clasped his hands thinking over Peter. He frowned as the betrayal made sense. He was the weakest of the four with no interest in ever improving, his small complaints and passive irritation at being so slowly repeated in his mind as he fought the urge to grab his hair as his own bullying past came back realizing that Peter always allied himself with the biggest bully in park, he just stopped being the biggest bully when he left Hogwarts.
He ran his hands through his hair as he recal
led them joining the order and Peter hesitating. Little bits and pieces something he should have picked up on, but he couldn’t even now he had a hard time accepting the betrayal, he had so much faith in his friend’s the idea of being stabbed in the back never once crossed his mind despite all the warning signs. ‘It’s all my fault,’ he realized as tears streamed down his eyes as the full reality finally crashed down on his head.
He choked down on his grief when someone tugged on his sleeve dragging him back into reality as a mop of black hair and green eyes stared up at him. ‘Dada,’ she reached for him to pick her up. Lifting Holly up he sat her on his lap and started to bounce her.
‘You Probably want your toys to don’t you, hmm I should get myself a mail owl as well,’ his mind shifting to the lack of communication options. ‘Okay first things first we need to go get Daddy an owl, a big bird,’ He smiled trying to keep Holly’s Spirits up.
‘Bird, big Bird!’ Holly repeated throwing her hands in the air.
‘Sounds good,’ He smiled, he frowned as he thought of how to get to the ally without taking Holly threw, the all too dangerous and disorienting, Appiration. He grabbed the key and with a quick flick of his wand he was back on the bike as he strapped Holly in and put on her helmet.
‘Loud,’ she complained glaring up at him as David laughed at the comment and revved up the bike. ‘Head!’ she shouted at him as she wiggled her head trying to take the helmet off.
‘Right, set an example,’ he told himself as he transfigured a rock into a helmet and put it on his head. Holly seemed to calm down at this, as he glanced around cursing himself for not thinking of that first before he put his wand away and drove down the road making sure that this time he obeyed the traffic laws, didn’t want another police chase recalling the incident with Sirius not too long ago.
He headed down the road drawing a few looks as he waited at a stop light when he glanced over, he blinked, he frowned as four people walked on the side of the road. He frowned but the light turned green as he chanced a glance back. ‘Beatrix?’ he wondered as the bike took off. He drove up to the long bottom house as he knocked on the door with Holly standing next to him.
‘David?’ Frank said opening the door as he smiled at the familiar face, ‘What was the last thing we said to each other?’
‘David, you really need to learn the Patronus charm,’ David recalled their last interaction when news broke of the prophecy and communication.
‘David,’ he smiled opening the door as he stuffed his wand in his coat. His smile faded, ‘My condolences on Lilly,’ he frowned He stepped forward grabbing Jame’s hand and pulling him into a quick hug. ‘Would you like to stay and chat we can put some tea on?’ he offered all but pulling David into the house. He gave Holly a wave as she walked in as Frank noticed Holly and brightened back up. ‘Why hello little miss,’ Frank suddenly was squatting down to as close as eye level would allow as he smiled brightly at Holly.
‘Hi,’ she replied shying away from the friendly man
‘I was hoping I could use your fireplace, I need to buy some replacement stuff,’ David said as Frank stood up a serious look on his face.
‘No problem,’ Frank said, ‘You sure you don’t want some tea, I got a new Dragon Fruit Tea in,’ he tempted, David gave him an amused sigh,
‘Okay you talked me into it,’ David gave in with a smirk on his face.
It didn’t take long for frank’s son to rush forward holding a toy as David gave Holly a pat and she wondered in herself.
‘Neville right?’ David asked looking at Frank who swelled with pride as he looked at his son.
‘Right ball of energy, already a handful,’ Frank smiled, ‘I see Holly is doing well, as the two children started interacting with each other.
Frank vanished into the Kitchen as he waved his hand as the stove lit up as he started getting the Tea ready. ‘Alice we have company!’ He announced as David kept to the doorway watching Holly and occasionally glancing over at Frank.
‘Well, I guess the hard parts over huh?’ Frank asked as Alice walked in she looked like she had just cleaned herself up when she spotted David and shot Frank a look. David glanced away feeling a pain in his chest.
‘David,’ she all but whispered pulling him into a soft hug. ‘I am so sorry,’ she squeezed him tight as David gave her a light hug back before pulling back.
‘So,’ Frank tactfully laid out as he started pouring out the tea. He leaned up against the kitchen counter as David grabbed a cup as well. ‘What happened,’ his eyes pointed into David as the widower took a long gulp of Tea.
‘I trusted the wrong man,’ David admitted, ‘My secret keeper Peter sold me out, Voldemort attacked and I moved to by Lilly enough time to escape, I was blasted back and he rushed forward the exact details are a bit off since my head was swimming, Voldemort, killed her then went after Holly giving her the lightning bolt scar on her forehead.’ David summed up.
‘I was wondering about that,’ Alice admitted.
‘Yeah Lilly’s death saved Holly,’ David sipped at his tea, ‘I plan on releasing a statement to the public as soon as I get everything situated to clear everything up. It’s the least that can be done for Lilly, she deserves to be known as the one who defeated the dark lord,’ David admitted
‘Well, a tragic end, I feel guilty being thankful that the end is in sight,’ Alice admitted,
‘Mhm,’ David grunted as he recalled what Sally had said that it wasn’t over. ‘I, I am not sure but I think I may have spotted Bellatrix in the area this isn’t over till we have everything sorted out,’ He warned,
‘Do you think it was really her?’ Frank asked concerned.
‘Well it was me and Holly on Sirius’s bike I wasn’t going to double back and check, Sirius crap,’ David, ‘I asked him to meet me here, I completely forgot to ask,’ David’ eyes went wide.
‘Oh, that’s okay,’ Alice calmed, ‘you have had a lot on your mind take it you worried about another attack?’ she supplied.
‘Yeah I, wouldn’t mind having him nearby that and I want to buy the bike of him I am going to need the transportation, since Appiration is going to be out,’ David admitted although inwardly he knew full well he was taking advantage of the sympathy he was garnering even if they would have been okay.
There was a sudden knock at the door as Frank got up, ‘Frank keep your wand handy,’ David warned noticing the man wasn’t going for it. He nodded grimly as he did so as he headed for the door. David and Alice both fingered their wands as well, when the worry dissipated.
‘Frank,’ Sirius cried out as there was the sound of the traditional Frank greeting. Sirius walked in as Holly quickly rushed to greet him. ‘Pads!’ she cried out as Sirius scooped her up and spun her around. She cried out in joy for a quick moment before Sirius set her down, and the one-year-old waddled off smiling.
‘So ready to get going?’ David asked, glancing over at his friend.
‘Yeah so what exactly are you dragging me through this time,’ Sirius asked with an amused smirk on his face.
‘Getting an owl for one think Lilly use to handle communication and I don’t have the time to learn the charm so Owl. I need to hit up the bank deal with the fall out collect the insurance on Godric’s Hollow, I could fix the place up but it’s now a known entity, I’ll have to talk with an advisor. This is going to be a pain Lilly use to deal with most of this stuff.
‘Sounds like a long day,’ Sirius admitted,
‘Which is why I need you to do something for me I know you’re going to hate,’ David said as he looked the man dead in the eye.
‘Huh hu,’ Sirius responded rising an eyebrow.
‘Holly needs some new toys could you look into that for me?’ David smiled as Sirius visibly relaxed.
Sirius pulled out some floo powder as the three waved to the Longbottom family. ‘Leaky Cauldron!’ Sirius announced as David put his hand over Holly’s eyes and jumped in. The two landed in the pub, as David headed for the back, only to f
ind he had stirred up quite a sqruit nest.
‘David?’ Tom questioned as David glanced over at the Keeper and soon every head was turning to him. ‘Bless my soul,’ he whispered,
Soon he was swarmed by questions everyone reaching to touch him or Holly as Sirius started cursing and shooting to get people to back away from the child. David had enough as he stuck his wand to his neck. ‘SILENCE!’ his voice echoed in the bar as the eruption died down. ‘Lilly gave her life to protect Holly, her sacrifice protected Holly from the killing curse which has all but Destroyed the Dark Lord. Lilly defeated him, and the price was her life.’ He ended, ‘Now I would appreciate it you let me put my life back together and you can get back to your drinks,’ he said eyeing all of them.
‘Can I at least shake your hand?’ said a rather aged woman. David looked at the woman as he sighed feeling his frustration deflate.
‘Yes, but don’t scare Holly okay?’ he relented, things went a bit smoother as David got a lot of condolences the price that was paid to be a bit fresher in everyone’s eyes so their joy was a bit more tempered at least around David, he had already heard reports from the owner of the motel that some weird events like sudden shooting stars were going on. David kept shaking hands and remembering names, as he realized people would probably celebrate his wife’s death for as long as he lived, that would be something to get used to.
David and Sirius headed into the Ally, it seemed brighter and much livelier than it ever had been since his first days seeing the place. He headed into Gringotts, Sirius headed into some of the stories as He hesitated, he glanced back at the door as a harsh level of uneasiness overtook him. ‘She’s with Sirius,’ He told himself, he repeated this as he found a free goblin.
‘Yes?’ The goblin asked glaring at David,
‘I need to speak to an adviser I need to look into buying some muggle property,’ David explained as the Goblin sneered at him with his sharp teeth, David rolled his eyes not one to be intimidated by the banker.